Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: Naruto Uzumaki, a hyperactive and knuckle-headed ninja, lives in Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf village. Moments prior to his birth, a huge demon known as the Kyuubi, the Nine-tailed Fox, attacked Konohagakure and wreaked havoc. In order to put an end to the Kyuubi's rampage, the leader of the village, the 4th Hokage, sacrificed his life and sealed the monstrous beast inside the newborn Naruto. Shunned because of the presence of the Kyuubi inside him, Naruto struggles to find his place in the village. He strives to become the Hokage of Konohagakure, and he meets many friends and foes along the way. 
Genre: Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, Shounen, Super Power
Released: Japan
Status: Complete (Hot Anime Fire)

Episode 84 :- "Roar, Chidori! Brother vs. Brother!" 
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Episode 85 :- "Hate Among the Uchihas: The Last of the Clan!" 

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Episode 86 :- "A New Training Begins: I Will Be Strong!" 
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Episode 87 :- "Keep on Training: Pop Goes the W/ater Balloon!" 
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Episode 88 :- "Focal Point: The Mark of the Leaf" 
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Episode 89 :- "An Impossible Choice: The Pain Within Tsunade's Heart" 
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Episode 90 :- "Unforgivable! A Total Lack of Respect!" 
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Episode 91 :- "Inheritence! The Necklace of Death!" 
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Episode 92 :- "A Dubious Offer! Tsunade's Choice!" 
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Episode 93 :- "Breakdown! The Deal is Off!" 
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Episode 94 :- "Attack! Fury of the Rasengan!" 
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Episode 95 :- "The Fifth Hokage! A Life on the Line!"
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Episode 96 :- "Deadlock! Sannin Showdown!"
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Episode 97 :- "Kidnapped! Naruto's Hot Spring Adventure!"
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Episode 98 :- "Tsunade's Warning: Ninja No More!"
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Episode 99 :- "The Will of Fire Still Burns!"
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Episode 100 :- "Sensei and Student: The Bond of the Shinobi"
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Episode 101 :- "Gotta See! Gotta Know! Kakashi-Sensei's True Face!"
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Episode 102 :- "Mission: Help an Old Friend in the Land of Tea"
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Episode 103:- "The Race is on! Trouble on the High Seas!"
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Episode 104 :- "Run Idate Run! Nagi Island Awaits!"
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Episode 105 :- "A Fierce Battle of Rolling Thunder!"
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Episode 106 :- "The Last Leg: A Final Act of Desperation"
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Episode 107 :- "The Battle Begins: Naruto vs. Sasuke"
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Episode 108 :- "Bitter Rivals and Broken Bonds"
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Episode 109 :- "An Invitation from the Sound"
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Episode 110 :- "Formation! The Sasuke Retrieval Squad"
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Episode 111 :- "Sound vs. Leaf"
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Episode 112 :- "Squad Mutiny: Everything Falls Apart!"
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Episode 113 :- "Full Throttle Power! Choji, Ablaze!"
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Episode 114 :- "Good-bye Old Friend...! I'll Always Believe in You!"
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Episode 115 :- "Your Opponent Is Me!"
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Episode 116 :- "360 Degrees of Vision: The Byakugan's Blind Spot"
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Episode 117 :- "Losing is Not an Option!"
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Episode 118 :- "The Vessel Arrives Too Late"
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Episode 119 :- "Miscalculation: A New Enemy Appears!"
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Episode 120 :- "Roar and Howl! The Ultimate Tag Team"
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Episode 121 :- "To Each His Own Battle"
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Episode 122 :- "Fakeout: Shikamaru's Comeback!"
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Episode 123 :- "The Leaf's Handsome Devil!"
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Episode 124 :- "The Beast Within"
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Episode 125 :- "The Sand Shinobi: Allies of the Leaf"
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Episode 126 :- "Showdown: Gaara vs. Kimimaro!"
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Episode 127 :- "Vengeful Strike! The Bracken Dance"
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Episode 128 :- "A Cry on Deaf Ears"
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Episode 129 :- "Brothers: Distance Among the Uchiha"
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Episode 130 :- "Father and Son, the Broken Crest"
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Episode 131 :- "The Secrets of the Mangekyo Sharingan!"
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Episode 132 :- "For a Friend"
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Episode 133 :- "A Plea From a Friend"
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Episode 134 :- "The End of Tears"
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Episode 135 :- "The Promise That Could Not Be Kept"
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