Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: Naruto Uzumaki, a hyperactive and knuckle-headed ninja, lives in Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf village. Moments prior to his birth, a huge demon known as the Kyuubi, the Nine-tailed Fox, attacked Konohagakure and wreaked havoc. In order to put an end to the Kyuubi's rampage, the leader of the village, the 4th Hokage, sacrificed his life and sealed the monstrous beast inside the newborn Naruto. Shunned because of the presence of the Kyuubi inside him, Naruto struggles to find his place in the village. He strives to become the Hokage of Konohagakure, and he meets many friends and foes along the way. 
Genre: Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, Shounen, Super Power
Released: Japan
Status: Complete (Hot Anime Fire)

Episode 36 :- "Clone vs. Clone: Mine are Better than Yours!" 
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Episode 37 :- "Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Nine Together Again!" 
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Episode 38 :- "Narrowing the Field: Sudden Death Elimination!" 
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Episode 39 :- "Bushy Brow's Jealousy: Lions Barrage Unleashed!" 
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Episode 40 :- "Kakashi and Orochimaru: Face-to-Face!" 
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Episode 41 :- "Kunoichi Rumble: The Rivals Get Serious!" 
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Episode 42 :- "The Ultimate Battle: Cha!" 
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Episode 43 :- "Killer Kunoichi and a Shaky Shikamaru" 
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Episode 44 :- "Akamaru Unleashed! Who's Top Dog Now?" 
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Episode 45 :- "Surprise Attack! Naruto's Secret Weapon!" 
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Episode 46 :- "Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!" 
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Episode 47 :- "A Failure Stands Tall!" 
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Episode 48 :- "Gaara vs. Rock Lee: The Power of Youth Explodes!" 
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Episode 49 :- "Lee's Hidden Strength: Forbidden Secret Jutsu!" 
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Episode 50 :- "The Fifth Gate: A Splendid Ninja is Born" 
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Episode 51 :- "A Shadow in Darkness: Danger Approaches Sasuke" 
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Episode 52 :- "Ebisu Returns: Naruto's Toughest Training Yet!" 
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Episode 53 :- "Coming Soon! : The Pervy Sage Returns!" 
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Episode 54 :- "The Summoning Jutsu: Wisdom of the Pervy Sage!" 
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Episode 55 :- "A Feeling of Yearning, A Flower Full of Hope" 
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Episode 56 :- "Live or Die: Risk it All to Win it All!" 
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Episode 57 :- "He Flies! He Jumps! He Lurks! Chief Toad Appears!" 
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Episode 58 :- "Hospital Besieged: The Evil Hand Revealed!" 
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Episode 59 :- "The Final Rounds: Rush to the Battle Arena!" 
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Episode 60 :- "Byakugan vs. Shadow Clon" 
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Episode 61 :- "Ultimate Defense: Zero Blind Spot!" 
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Episode 62 :- "A Failure's True Power" 
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Episode 63 :- "Hit it or Quit it: The Final Rounds Get Complicated!" 
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Episode 64 :- "Zero Motivation: The Guy with Cloud Envy!" 
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Episode 65 :- "Dancing Leaf, Squirming Sand" 
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Episode 66 :- "Bushy Brow's Jutsu: Sasuke Style!" 
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Episode 67 :- "Late for the Show, But Ready to Go!" 
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Episode 68 :- "Zero Hour! The Destruction of the Hidden Leaf Village Begins!" 
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Episode 69 :- "Village in Distress: A New A-Ranked Mission!" 
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Episode 70 :- "A Shirker's Call to Action: A Layabout No More!" 
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Episode 71 :- "An Unrivaled Match: Hokage Battle Royale!" 
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Episode 72 :- "A Mistake from the Past: A Face Revealed!" 
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Episode 73 :- "Forbidden Secret Technique: Reaper Death Seal!" 
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Episode 74 :- "Astonishing Truth! Gaara's Identity Emerges!" 
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Episode 75 :- "Sasuke's Decision: Pushed to the Edge!" 
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Episode 76 :- "Assassin of the Moonlit Night" 
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Episode 77 :- "Light vs. Dark: The Two Faces of Gaara" 
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Episode 78 :- "Naruto's Ninja Handbook" 
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Episode 79 :- "Beyond the Limit of Darkness and Light" 
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Episode 80 :- "The Third Hokage, Forever..." 
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Episode 81 :- "Return of the Morning Mist" 
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Episode 82 :- "Eye to Eye: Sharingan vs. Sharingan!" 
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Episode 83 :- "Jiraiya: Naruto's Potential Disaster!" [SEASON FINALE]
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