Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: Naruto Shippuden is a continuation of original series Naruto. After 2 and a half years of training with his master, Naruto finally returns to his village of Konoha. Naruto is now older and more mature than before. With his new trained ability, his goal of searching for long lost friend, Uchiha Sasuke, is set for a stronger determination than before. Naruto Shippuden is a continuation of original series Naruto. After 2 and a half years of training with his master, Naruto finally returns to his village of Konoha. Naruto is now older and more mature than before. With his new trained ability, his goal of searching for long lost friend, Uchiha Sasuke, is set for a stronger determination than before. He is putting his ambitions to work along with the help of his many friends, though with so many obstacles ahead of him. Now, he will face even more dangerous enemies, especially the Akatsuki.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, Shounen, Super Power

Hindi Subbed By Team Project X
Episode 113 :- "The Serpent's Pupil" 
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 114 :- "Eye of the Hawk
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 115 :- "Zabuza's Blade
English DubDownload
Episode 116 :- "Guardian of the Iron Wall
English DubDownload
Episode 117 :- "Jugo of the North Hideout
English DubDownload
Episode 118 :- "Formation!
English DubDownload
Episode 119 :- "Kakashi Chronicles ~ Boys' Life on the Battlefield ~ Part 1" 
English DubDownload
Episode 120 :- "Kakashi Chronicles ~ Boys' Life on the Battlefield ~ Part 2
English DubDownload
Episode 121 :- "Assemble
English DubDownload
Episode 122 :- "The Hunt
English DubDownload
Episode 123 :- "Clash!
English DubDownload
Episode 124 :- "Art
English DubDownload
Episode 125 :- "Disappearance
English DubDownload
Episode 126 :- "Twilight
English DubDownload
Episode 127 :- "Tales of a Gutsy Ninja ~Jiraiya Ninja Scroll~ Part 1
English DubDownload
Episode 128 :- "Tales of a Gutsy Ninja ~Jiraiya Ninja Scroll~ Part 2
English DubDownload
Episode 129 :- "Infiltrate! The Village Hidden in the Rain
English DubDownload
Episode 130 :- "The Man Who Became God
English DubDownload
Episode 131 :- "Honored Sage Mode!
English DubDownload
Episode 132 :- "In Attendance, the Six Paths of Pain
English DubDownload
Episode 133 :- "The Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant" 
English DubDownload
Episode 134 :- "Banquet Invitation
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 135 :- "The Longest Moment
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 136 :- "The Light & Dark of the Mangekyo Sharingan
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 137 :- "Amaterasu!" 
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 138 :- "The End"
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 139 :- "The Mystery of Tobi
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 140 :- "Fate
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 141 :- "Truth
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 142 :- "Battle of Unraikyo
Hindi SubDownload
English DubDownload
Episode 143 :- "The Eight-Tails vs. Sasuke" [Season Finale]

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