Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: Naruto Shippuden is a continuation of original series Naruto. After 2 and a half years of training with his master, Naruto finally returns to his village of Konoha. Naruto is now older and more mature than before. With his new trained ability, his goal of searching for long lost friend, Uchiha Sasuke, is set for a stronger determination than before. Naruto Shippuden is a continuation of original series Naruto. After 2 and a half years of training with his master, Naruto finally returns to his village of Konoha. Naruto is now older and more mature than before. With his new trained ability, his goal of searching for long lost friend, Uchiha Sasuke, is set for a stronger determination than before. He is putting his ambitions to work along with the help of his many friends, though with so many obstacles ahead of him. Now, he will face even more dangerous enemies, especially the Akatsuki.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, Shounen, Super Power
Hindi Subbed By Team Project X
Episode 197 :- "The Sixth Hokage Danzo" 
Episode 198 :- "Five Kage Summit's Eve" 
Episode 199 :- "Enter the Five Kage!" 
Episode 200 :- "Naruto's Plea" 
Episode 201 :- "Painful Decision" 
Episode 202 :- "Racing Lightning" 
Episode 203 :- "Sasuke's Ninja Way" 
Episode 204 :- "Power of the Five Kage" 
Episode 205 :- "Declaration of War" 
Episode 206 :- "Sakura's Feelings" 
Episode 207 :- "The Tailed Beast vs. The Tailless Tailed Beast" 
Episode 208 :- "As One's Friend" 
Episode 209 :- "Danzo's Right Arm" 
Episode 210 :- "The Forbidden Visual Jutsu" 
Episode 211 :- "Danzo Shimura" 
Episode 212 :- "Sakura's Resolve" 
Episode 213 :- "Lost Bonds" 
Episode 214 :- "The Burden" 
Episode 215 :- "Two Fates" 
Episode 216 :- "High-Level Shinobi" 
Episode 217 :- "The Infiltrator" 
Episode 218 :- "The Five Great Nations Mobilize" 
Episode 219 :- "Kakashi Hatake, the Hokage" 
Episode 220 :- "Prophecy of the Great Lord Elder" 
Episode 221 :- "Storage" [Season Finale]

Next Episode Coming Soon...

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