Type: Tv Series
Plot Summary: Infinity Nado is an animation series that explores the story of a mysterious phenomenon which happened 13 years ago. Somewhere on the planet Earth, a gyro-type tower suddenly falls from the sky, along with 20 Infinity Nado players inside. Upon descent, the Infinity Nado players had gathered together to form an Infinity Nado town. The story will follow the adventure of four Infinity Nado players: Jin owner of the Wind Elf, Dawn owner of the Fire Elf, Davis owner of the Earth Elf and Cecilia owner of the Nature Elf. With their special and powerful skills and Nados, they formed a "balanced", "offensive", "persistent" and "defensive" super-powerful team. As the plot thickens, the four youths finally sneak into the Infinity Nado tower to challenge the top players. Along the way they also discover the dark and evil plan of the other Infinity Nado players which is to reform the planet Earth and destroy mankind. For justice and peace, Jin, Dawn, Davis and Cecilia enter the center of the tower to stop its rotation and eventually defeat the wicked Infinity Nado players.
Status: On Going
Episode 1 :- "Gale's Combat Gyro
Hindi DubDownload
Episode 2 :- "Searing Elf Power" 
Episode 3 :- "Strong defensive attack" 
Episode 4 :- "The combination of cyclones and fire
Episode 5 :- "Hot desert trip
Episode 6 :- "Gifted control wizard
Episode 7 :- "Fighting Gyro hand Contest
Episode 8 :- "Massive black hole
Episode 9 :- "Gentle fire
Episode 10 :- "The link between Beyblade
Episode 11 :- "The outbreak of the power of the sun
Episode 12 :- "The last three strong fighting
Episode 13 :- "Justice Gyro past
Episode 14 :- "Protection of justice Gyro
Episode 15 :- "Battle the forces of darkness
Episode 16 :- "The battle with the forces of darkness
Episode 17 :- "The justice of God of War awakening
Episode 18 :- "Justice Gyro past
Episode 19 :- "Fall into the whirlpool of fate" 
Episode 20 :- "Precious friendship
Episode 21 :- "Hurricane tower
Episode 22 :- "The secret justice attack ring
Episode 23 :- "The assembly of miracles
Episode 24 :- "The arbiter of the universe trial
Episode 25 :- "Scythe of death
Episode 26 :- "Competitive with the speed of light

Next Episode Coming Soon...

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