Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: In an alternate timeline, Future Trunks is hiding from a mysterious enemy that has been terrorizing the Future Earth. He meets with his mother in their hideout, Future Bulma, who is relieved that he survived. She is revealed to have been working on the time machine for their trip to find help. Just as they are about to leave, an explosion destroys Future Bulma's equipment. Seeing as they are in danger, Future Bulma urges Future Trunks to leave without her. Shortly after, a mysterious enemy demolishes the hideout. Future Bulma is killed by falling debris following the explosion, but Future Trunks manages to escape. Back in the present timeline, Goku is showing his new farm to Chi-Chi and Goten. Piccolo arrives shortly after at Goku's request. Goku says he wants to use his work as a way to train. While Goku and Piccolo are having a harvesting competition, on Beerus' planet, Vegeta is training with Whis. Goku notices this and teleports to them. Beerus asks if Goku brought him a gift, and Goku gives him a ball of lettuce he grabbed during his contest with Piccolo. Beerus enjoys the lettuce, but he considers it inadequate. Meanwhile, in the alternate timeline, Future Trunks meets up with Future Mai. Future Trunks tells her that his mother has sacrificed herself so he could escape and return to the past to save his world. Back on Beerus' planet, Goku, Vegeta, Beerus, and Whis discuss Zenō, who is the "King of Universes". Beerus says that Zenō is the most powerful being there is. Whis says that Zenō is also able to erase entire universes as there had originally been 18 universes instead of the current 12 universes. In the alternate timeline, Future Trunks and Future Mai are eating and resting. They discuss about going back 17 years in the past, where Future Trunks' friends would be. They make their way to Capsule Corporation. They stumble upon a vortex in the sky out of which arrives the mysterious enemy that the two have been running away from. Future Trunks tells Future Mai to go on ahead as he draws his sword. He tries to face the enemy but to no avail. In order to save Future Trunks and give him a chance to escape, Future Mai acts as a decoy. Future Mai is hit by the enemy's blast and seemingly killed on the spot. Future Trunks is enraged and looks at the enemy, who is revealed to be a Goku look-alike being named Goku Black. 
Genre: ActionAdventureComedyFantasyMartial ArtsShounenSuper Power
Status: On Going (Anime Hindi World)
Episode 47 :- "An SOS from the Future! A Dark New Enemy Emerges!!" 
Episode 48 :- "Hope!! Once More Awaken in the Present, Trunks" 
Episode 49 :- "A Message from the Future - Goku Black Strikes!" 
Episode 50 :- "Goku vs. Black! The Closed Path to the Future" 
Episode 51 :- "Feelings That Travel Beyond Time - Trunks and Mai" 
Episode 52 :- "Teacher and Student Reunited - Son Gohan and "Future" Trunks" 
Episode 53 :- "Uncover Black's Identity! To the Sacred World of the Kais!" 
Episode 54 :- "The One Who Inherits the Saiyan Blood - Trunk's Resolve" 
Episode 55 :- "I Want to See Son Goku - Zen-Oh Sama's Summoning!" 
Episode 56 :- "Rematch With Goku Black! Super Saiyan Rosé Appears" 
Episode 57 :- "The God With the Immortal Body - Zamasu Descends" 
Episode 58 :- "Zamasu and Black - The Mystery of the Two Deepens" 
Episode 59 :- "Protect Supreme Kai Gowasu - Destroy Zamasu!" 
Episode 60 :- "Back to the Future - Goku Black's Identity Is Revealed!!" 
Episode 61 :- "Zamasu's Ambition - The Awful "Zero Mortal Plan" Is Revealed" 
Episode 62 :- "I'll Protect the World! Trunks' Furious Super Power Explodes!!" 
Episode 63 :- "Don't Disrespect Saiyan Cells! Vegeta's Heroic Battle Begins!!" 
Episode 64 :- "Revere Him! Praise Him! Fusion Zamasu's Explosive Birth!!" 
Episode 65 :- "Is This the Final Judgement?! The Ultimate Power of the Absolute God" 
Episode 66 :- "The Climactic Battle! The Miraculous Power of a Relentless Warrior!" 
Episode 67 :- "With New Hope!! In Our Hearts - Farewell, Trunks
Episode 68 :- "Come Forth, Shenron! Whose Wish Will Be Granted?!" 
Episode 69 :- "Goku vs. Arale! A Ridiculous Battle Will End the Earth?!" 
Episode 70 :- "Champa's Challenge! This Time We Fight with Baseball!!" 
Episode 71 :- "The Death of Goku! The Guaranteed Assassination Mission
Episode 72 :- "Will There Be a Counterattack?! The Invisible Killing Strike!!" 
Episode 73 :- "Gohan's Misfortune! An Unexpected Great Saiyaman Movie?!" 
Episode 74 :- "For the Ones He Loves! The Unbeatable Great Saiyaman!!" 
Episode 75 :- "Goku and Krillin Back to the Old Training Grounds" 
Episode 76 :- "Defeat These Terrifying Enemies! Krillin's Fighting Spirit Returns![Season Finale]

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