Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: One day, a Digimon Xros Loader appears before Taiki, an exceptionally warmhearted seventh grader, along with Shoutmon's voice, asking for his help. The D Xros Loader is an essential item that is capable of transferring power to Digimon by means of "DigiXros". He was chosen as a "General" to control it. Taiki and his friends are thrown into a parallel universe, the Digital World. Due to the appearance of rival and enemy Digimon, the Digital World has been driven into a state of "Xros Wars", a large-scale war with battles like those of the Sengoku period. Taiki and Shoutmon form a Digimon Army using the D Xros Loader and battle against formidable opponents with "DigiXros".
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids, Shounen
Status: On Going (Anime Hindi World)

Season 2 : Digimon Fusion
Episode 31 :- "Towards a New World! The Blazing General of Dragon Land" 
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Episode 32 :- "Stand Up, Kiriha! Xros Heart's Rescue Strategy" 
Episode 33 :- "Feel a Chill Run Down your Spine! The Moonlight General's Vampire Land" 
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Episode 34 :- "Don't Die Greymon! Shoutmon DX is Born" 
Episode 35 :- "The Power is Absorbed! The Hunters of Honey Land
Episode 36 :- "The Laughing Hunter! General Zamielmon the Wood-Spirit
Episode 37 :- "Brother, Why!? The Nightmarish Enemy, General Yuu
Episode 38 :- "The Mysterious Cyber Land! The Beauty of Fullmetal City" 
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Episode 39 :- "Xros Heart Break up Crisis! Water Tiger General's Despicable Trap" 
Episode 40 :- "Cheerful Pirates appears! Set Sail for Gold Land!!
Episode 41 :- "Olegmon the Gold Thief Laughs! Farewell Xros Heart!" 
Episode 42 :- "Whispering to Kiriha! Earth-god General of the Canyon, The Devil's Invitation!" 
Episode 43 :- "The Mighty Love! Deckerdramon's Final Scream!!" 
Episode 44 :- "The Bond of X7! The Sublime Battle with Gravimon!!" 
Episode 45 :- "The Final Kingdom, the Shining Sun of Bright Land!" 
Episode 46 :- "Dead or Alive, the Hellish General's Decisive Battle!" 
Episode 47 :- "Taiki VS. Yuu! Showdown of the Boy Generals!!" 
Episode 48 :- "Beelzebumon, Fade into Light!" 
Episode 49 :- "Taiki's Decision! Surpass the Strongest Apollomon!" 
Episode 50 :- "Resurrect! The Appearance of all Seven Death Generals!" 
Episode 51 :- "For the Future of the Digital World! The Friendship with the Death Generals!" 
Episode 52 :- "D5 and the Brotherhood of Evil" 
Episode 53 :- "The Darkness Before the Dawn" 
Episode 54 :- "Final Fusion - The Fight for Earth!" [Season Finale] 
New Season Coming Soon...

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