Type: TV Series [Cartoon Network Dub]
Plot Summary: A young boy named Tyson (Takao Kinomiya) enters the Japan Regional Beyblade Qualifying Tournament, where he encounters Ray Kon (Rei Kon) and Kai Hiwatari. After defeating them, they organize a team, known as the Bladebreakers, along with Max Tate (Max Mizuhara). Kenny tags along as their manager. The Bladebreakers tour to China to register for the championships while confronting the White Tigers, Ray's former team. It is seen that Ray's old team holds a grudge against him for leaving them. Toward the end of the Chinese tournament, Ray and his ex-teammates make amends, and the Bladebreakers win the tournament.
Genre: ActionAdventureComedy, Sport, Super Power
Status: On Going
Episode 1 :- "The Blade Raider" 
Episode 2 :- "Day of the Dragoon" 
Episode 3 :- "Take it to the Max!" 
Episode 4 :- "The Qualifier Begins" 
Episode 5 :- "Draciel of Approval" 
Episode 6 :- "Dragoon Storm" 
Episode 7 :- "Thirteen Candles" 
Episode 8 :- "Bladin' in the Streets" 
Episode 9 :- "Showdown in Hong Kong" 
Episode 10 :- "Battle in the Sky" 
Episode 11 :- "Bye Bye Bit Beast
Episode 12 :- "Adios Bladebreakers" 
Episode 13 :- "Crouching Lion, Hidden Tiger
Episode 14 :- "The Race is On!" 
Episode 15 :- "Going for the Gold
Episode 16 :- "My Enemy, My Friend" 
Episode 17 :- "A Score to Settle" 
Episode 18 :- "A Star is Born!" 
Episode 19 :- "Under the Microscope" 
Episode 20 :- "It's all Relative" 
Episode 21 :- "Practice Makes Perfect" 
Episode 22 :- "Blading with the Stars" 
Episode 23 :- "Showdown in Vegas" 
Episode 24 :- "Viva Las Vegas" 
Episode 25 :- "My Way or the Highway" 
Episode 26 :- "Catch a Shooting All-Star" 
Episode 27 :- "The Battle of America" 
Episode 28 :- "Bottom of the Ninth" 
Episode 29 :- "Play it Again, Dizzi" 
Episode 30 :- "Cruising For A Bruising" 
Episode 31 :- "London Calling" 
Episode 32 :- "Darkness at the End of the Tunnel..." 
Episode 33 :- "Last Tangle in Paris" 
Episode 34 :- "Art Attack
Episode 35 :- "When in Rome... Beyblade!" 
Episode 36 :- "Déjà vu all Over Again" 
Episode 37 :- "A Knight to Remember!" 
Episode 38 :- "Olympia Challenge" 
Episode 39 :- "A Majestic Battle... a Majestic Victory?" 
Episode 40 :- "Hot Battle in a Cold Town" 
Episode 41 :- "Out of the Past" 
Episode 42 :- "Drawn to the Darkness" 
Episode 43 :- "Live and Let Kai!" 
Episode 44 :- "Losing Kai" 
Episode 45 :- "Breaking the Ice
Episode 46 :- "First Strike" 
Episode 47 :- "A Lesson for Tyson" 
Episode 48 :- "Victory in Defeat" 
Episode 49 :- "A Wicked Wind Blows
Episode 50 :- "New and Cyber-Improved..." 
Episode 51 :- "Final Showdown" [Season Finale]

Next Episode Coming Soon...

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